Day 2

“Toto, I’ve got a feeling we’re not in kansas anymore”

Well, my internal clock is truly messed up now! I laid down for a nap around 5pm yesterday, and woke up at 5am today! I’m writing this at 6am on Day 3. Day 2 started (still in Calgary) very early in the morning. We woke up about 2:30 and left the house at about 3am. We got in line for baggage check, and were through that by 4:20, then lined up for security.

We were done that by about 5am, and by around 5:30 we were boarding our plane. Sadly, my GPS couldn’t get a signal for most of our flight, so I don’t have an accurate track. I tried once again when we started descending over Mexico, and finally got a signal. At that point we were at 9500M and travelling at 848km/h. We touched down about 10:03am, deplaned, went through immigration, got our baggage, and went through customs. A little over an hour later, we were in a taxi-van on our way to our house for the week.

The house is beautiful and huge! Most of us seemed to just want to relax for a bit, but the kids hit the pool first thing! We have a heated pool with three levels of deepness. The kids are fine in 2/3rds of the pool, but, of course, we still have to watch them. The pool area is gated and padlocked, so the kids can’t get in without adult help.

While Kim and Dad watched the kids in the pool, our host, Chris, took Shayne and I for a quick tour of the area. Most of the places he pointed out were places that Mom and Dad have talked about from their previous trips. We did, however, get a few good pointers on where to buy groceries, fresh produce, fresh tortillas (there’s a tortillaria two blocks from our house), and beer.

By about 2 in the afternoon, we were all getting a bit hungry, so Mom and Dad were going to take us to Panama for lunch. We first had to stop at a bank to change our money to pesos. On our way to Panama (about 7 blocks away) we decided to eat somewhere closer. We had walked through one restaurant that I thought smelled pretty good. (many restaurants have seating right across the sidewalk and to the edge of the street.) So, we ate lunch at La Fonda Santa Clara. (I had Enchiladas, my daughter had Nachos con carne) After lunch, we crossed the street, and played on the beach for a while. The kids had a great time running in and out of the waves.

 After that, we made a quick trip to Mona’s and the Fruiteria Ordonez to pick up a few groceries. That gets us pretty close to me deciding to have a quick nap, and almost the next thing I knew it was 5am again. Apparently, Peter and Helen came over for coffee last night, and everyone else went to bed when they left around 9pm.